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Wednesday 19 February 2020

How to create a powerful portfolio

Creating a creative portfolio is important 'if you want show a strong impression towards th client .Creative portfolio can help you to compete with other's  and also makes you  more professional .It require's time to craft it .
For begineer portfolio is a identity card to show the world about their work and what are they capable of so that people will hesitate to work with you .

How to create a powerful portfolio

Add only Masterpeice

If you want to create a creative portfolio 'then you should only add your best and remove the odd one out  . This will eventually  help to convenience  your client .Constantly update and edit your work so that your portfolio will not become outdated .

Don't compromise with image quality

There is  nothing worse than seeing a low resolution images in a portfolio . All your hardwork and the creation will be ruined ,if you didn't represent it properly . Always add high resolution images otherwise your portfolio will worth nothing .


Solcit opinion

  Creative work can be highly crucial ,and it's really difficult for you  to seperate the odd one .That's why you should go for solcit opinion, and not just from your friend and relative  . Ask co-worker and the people the professional  or even random person .

Make it easy

Make it easy to understand for the reader . Use categories , to show  your work otherwise putting everything on one page can make it messy for the reader .It can be confusing -if your first three project are  related Graphic designing ,client will assume that  you are not offering any other services and  eventually miss rest of the project further down the page without even noticing it . 

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