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Thursday, 3 October 2019

Best linux distros for beginner,

Are you looking for the linux distro that is easy to use and help you to migrate from windows or Mac os to linux .Most of us are not familar with linux and hence find difficulty to handle it and ufortunately again migrate to window or MAc os .Here are some easy-peasy linux distros which you can use without any obstructions .
picture of a linux operating sysytem

Best linux distros for begineer

1) Ubuntu

ubuntu operating sysytem

If you searched across internet about linux then it's possible that you know about ubuntu .Ubuntu is an popular operating system with  user friendly and easy to use user interface which is much similar to window operating system . You  can download application  without any problem from the ubuntu app store

linux mint operating sysytem

2) Linux Mint 

 Linux mint is an Ubuntu based operating system with an elegant  and comfortable operating sysytem which is easy to use if you are a begineer .If you don't like the lnterface of other linux then you can use it because there is not much diffrence between window and linux mint interface .

linux parrot operating system

3) Parrot os 

 Parrot os is a linux operating sysytem which is specially designed for com[puter security purpose .It is mainly uses foe pentesting ,anonymous web surfing . It comes with serval which is later use lethal damage to victim computer .
elemantory os linux

4) elementary os

Elementary os  is an ubuntu based linux operating system .Which is identical to the MAc os which is an advantage to the user who wants to migrate from MAc os to linux can easily cope with it .It claim itself as a fast,open and privacy respecting oprating system .


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